Computer Programs: This program. The program that you are running right now is written in Turbo Prolog. It is a modification of a menu program written to solve problems encountered with large systems that required the inclusion of a variety of third party programs. Accounts Receivable. I developed an accounts receivable program for an oil and gas library. The problem was that no accounts receivable program would handle the large number of transactions and billing dues on a monthly, annual or semi-annual basis. This was a contract for a computer dealer that sold a system and couldn't find the software to make it do what he promised. This was a very low budget job. Salehandler a computer program for auctioneers that handles bookkeeping, buyer registration, buyer pay out, seller settlement, sales tax and more during the auction sale. It works on site in real time. I developed the program and documentation. I have marketed the program since 1978. I do the whole show. The program has been moderately successful. Copy protection. In the Salehandler program I designed and implemented a method of copy protection that in the right circumstances is 100% effective and completely benign to the user as long as he doesn't want to steal the program. The method is to encrypt his name and address in a file that is read by the program. The special circumstance is that printed output must be a major product of the program and the users customer, lenders or clients must see the print out. The way it works is that in order to be usable to the user it must have his name on it. The benefits of this method are that demos can be freely distributed. My experience, limited to the one program and a small sample, is that over 50% of the demos result in sales. This could be expanded to distributing a demo package at very low cost and having the customer or dealer call in to a central and entering the customer data and VISA Card number the central would send back the encrypted file. The product would be registered, paid for and distributed in one pass. Embryo transplant accounting. This is a large system for a micro computer. It consists of over 200 files and programs. It tracks the ownership, calving, breeding, status and location of transplanted and frozen cattle embryos. Also a 25,000 name mailing list is used in conjunction with a program that tracks sales of registered brood stock and handles the registration papers. This was a low budget contract. Oil well reporting. A program that uses input form a word processor to file daily reports on several oil fields and file them under individual wells. This system took a reporting section of a national oil company from 6 months behind to two days behind over a six month period. In the same time the staff that produced the report was reduced by 50%. This was a contract job. Front end for accounts receivable. Developed a system that takes data from the key board and produces two streams of data one for an existing accounts receivable program and the other for a data base program. During development of this system serious problems developed in the account receivable portion of the system. By using the backup files produced by this system we were able to reconstruct an entire month of transactions of a large farm machinery dealer in four hours. Computer magazine. In developing a menu program in Turbo PROLOG it became obvious that a very similar program could be used to produce a computer magazine. The result is the program that you are now running. This same program with 30 minutes modification can serve as a menu program, magazine, computerized documentation or all three. Writing: Documentation for the Salehandler computer program. The original was a conventional loose leaf binder. The latest version is a computer file that is displayed and printed by a version of this program. The advantage of this form of publication is that the documentation can be kept in sync with the modifications of the programs. Magazine: I write a monthly column for Country Magazine in Wichita Falls, Texas. I am listed as a regional editor. Well's Gulf Coast Fisherman has published several of my articles. Other publication that have published my work include: The Survivor, County Magazine, Science Newsletter, Discovery and Science 86. I am a regular contributor of both photography and articles to the Frederick Press and the Wichita Falls Record News.